Thanksgiving Stuffing (#54)


Hey everyone, and welcome to Week 54! Happy Thanksgiving!

This is now the second puzzle on Chris Words dedicated to Thanksgiving foods, so I look forward to maybe one day publishing a collection of Thanksgiving food-related puzzles.

In other news:
THIS AMAZING ANNOUNCEMENT – I am blown away by Matt Gaffney’s selection of my Back to the Future meta as October’s Crossword of the Month. For someone who has never published a crossword in a major newspaper (yes, still), it is beyond crazy how exciting this is. I strive to make all the puzzles on here of a high caliber, and I hope you’ll continue to follow this blog for many months to come.
-In case you are here for the first time, be sure to follow my blog by subscribing via the menu on the right side.
-Dark meat is better than white meat.

Thanks everyone, and enjoy Thursday and the wonderful sleep you get from eating too much!


16 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Stuffing (#54)

  1. Hey Chris — tried to get the pdf and I see the grid but not the clues. Is it my phone or is there something up w the file? Happy turkey day and good luck with your wonderful puzzles.


  2. Although I don’t have anything close to Matt’s breadth of perspective (I don’t even subscribe to Fireball), I’ll go right out and say that the October CotM honors were richly deserved. That was a thoroughly delightful solving experience, and I think it may be the only crossword link I ever posted on facebook.



  3. Elegant construction and great aha moment as I figured out the theme before getting to the revealer. Excellent and well-deserved recognition from Matt!


  4. Ok that was wonderful. Just two little nits. First, 63A is URN, right? The solution says ERN and that works for 39D but not the clue to 63A. Second thing – the revealer (which I did need!) said there were starred clues but I don’t see any stars.

    Otherwise, really it’s a terrific idea and so well constructed.



    • For (1), reread the clue word-by-word, and you’ll see that it’s a really horrible literature pun on a bit of crosswordese. And for (2), you are right about this too. Believe it or not, I had this problem fixed sometime between you downloading it and you commenting, so the problem has been resolved, with “long” replacing “starred”.

      Glad you liked it! Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Congratulations Chris! Your puzzles are really entertaining and imaginative. This is my new Sunday go to. Why hasn’t Amy Reynaldo put you on her Crossword Fiend site yet?!?!


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