New Puzzle Next Week!

OperationGoldenTicket (1)

Hey everybody!

So, the USC Puzzle Hunt has been consuming absolutely all of my time, and while there are a bunch of meta puzzles over there, I have yet to write one for this website. Sorry about that.

However, I’m going to get back on track, and we’ll have a new metapuzzle a week from today! Be excited for that.

And in tournament news, good luck to everyone attending ACPT this weekend. Oh, and be sure to play with friend-of-the-show Neville Fogarty’s game he is bringing to the tournament. I helped with testplaying, and it’ll be real treat for all involved.

Also, The Indie 500 is approaching! Last year’s was amazing, and I’m currently planning my way to go this year too! The slate of constructors this year is top-notch of course, and it is going to be a blast to see what everyone has in store. A year ago, I made predictions on the puzzles which would be solved, and that is also a tradition I will bring back in a few weeks. What new puzzles will we see? I give you my guesses.

Sorry for nothing this week, but #65 goes live next time!

Happy Easter!


USC Puzzle Hunt – March 21st

Hey everyone! No puzzle today, as I’ve spent my spring break focuses entirely on writing puzzles for the USC Puzzle Hunt, which begins in 8 days! (!!)


As you could imagine, the size of this event might delay any puzzles coming to CW soon, but I genuinely hope you and some friends and or loved ones might considered registering for a team, which is conveniently found at

This year’s event should be a blast, the theme that no one knows about yet is awesome, and I’m looking forward to putting on what’ll probably be the biggest USCPH yet.

Get a team together, and be a part of the least stressful remote hunt ever! There are no prizes for you Internet folk, just the glory of solving great puzzles.

Hope you register, and feel free to email questions to me at

Thanks everyone!
