Letters and Numbers (#102)



Hey everyone, and welcome to Week 102! Today’s puzzle is a quote puzzle, which I believe is the first of its kind for me. The quote itself is one I’ve known for most my life, as it was the final quote seen in the film that is shown above. I’m so excited that the quote was able to be broken down symmetrically, and the 17×15 puzzle today was able to contain it. The clues are a little more erudite than usual, which I kind of planned to match the theme material. I hope you enjoy!

Also, I should have the answer key for the Eclipse puzzle set ready by this upcoming Sunday, so if you’re still working on it, you have some more time! If you want any hints, feel free to email me!

Thanks everyone! Enjoy the puzzle!


Labor Day (#101)



Hey everyone, and welcome to Week 101! This puzzle is coming to you while I’m at Myrtle Beach for Labor Day weekend.

This week’s puzzle has a lot going on. I think it’s pretty damn funny. Hope you think so as well. If you don’t, you can get your money back.

Be sure to check out the Eclipse puzzles that were #100 here on the blog! You still have time to finish them!

Also, I want to thank friend-of-the-show Ben Smith for the glowing review he wrote about me for Crossword Fiend, which can be found [here].

Thanks everyone! Enjoy the puzzle!


ETA: The problem in the clue for 6D has been fixed. I actually noticed this mistake last Friday, but couldn’t do anything about it. I am in fact at Myrtle Beach for Labor Day weekend, and the campground I’m at does not feature wifi at the campsites. So, I’ve been unable to make the update. I finally was able to travel to a spot that did have wifi, and now the problem has been updated.